A word from our new President Congratulations to Bob Gutsell, Pact Group, who was recently elected as the President of Plastics NZ’s National Executive (Board). Bob gave a fantastic speech at the AGM on the 17th of May, which we share with you here.
Conference 2024 is done and dusted. Our sincere thanks to our Speakers, Sponsors, Exhibitors and of course all of the delegates
Unsafe machinery costs digits and dollars, the EMA & ACC have partnered on developing an industry-led harm reduction action plan.
Are your customers asking about the recyclability of your caps and lids? Caps & Lids Recycling Scheme – Extended Pilot Launching
ACC Workplace Cover levy invoices will be sent to business customers from July. You can access your ACC account anytime with MyACC for Business to check your details are correct
If you missed the conference Smart Factory Showcase, don’t despair, there are more events coming up. Bookmark our info page - all the details, lots of case studies and
much more
for the next round of the R&D Experience Grant will open 4th June allowing innovative
businesses to offer tertiary-level student's full-time
internships over their summer break.
'Lunch & Learn' Webinar An update on the Lids and Caps recovery scheme.
Auckland Branch Technical EventUniversity of Auckland - Limited Space
Auckland Branch AGMStacey Jones Lounge, Go Media Stadium Come for the AGM, Stay for the Game
Thank you to our featured Corporate Sponsors CLICK ON A LOGO TO VISIT THEIR WEBSITE
Our mailing address is:
First Floor, 2 - 8 Freight Place, Airport Oaks, Manukau City, Auckland 2022 PO Box 76 378, Manukau City 2241, Auckland.